Power Line Safe Distances for Planting Trees in Houston Texas
Q: As a homeowner have you ever thought about planting a tree between the sidewalk and curb in front of your home?
Q: Have you ever considered planting a tree to provide privacy from your neighbors behind you?
Q: Did you know a tree can reach mature height within 10-15 years?
Q: Do you know when your tree reaches it’s mature height how tall it will ultimately be?
Q: Will your mature tree disturb the power lines above?
Through our efforts with various community organizations we are in the process of creating a database of trees that would be good choices for planting under Houston power lines.
Houston is the fourth largest city in the U.S. and is expected to increase exponentially over the next decade. With new construction on the rise both residential and commercial projects HAVE TO consider installing proper trees.
Landscaping should always be a part of the urban planning & design process rather than an after thought. As homeowners we have to consider our home’s foundation, swimming pools, sidewalks, fences and driveways when planting new trees. It would be smart to plant a tree knowing it’s mature height, width and root growth. The dangers of planting trees without this mature tree height information can be hazardous.
Planting Trees Safe Distances for Clearance of Overhead Power Lines
Palm Trees and Power Lines
A Palm tree planted directly under a power line spells disaster! The average height of a residential power line is 17 feet, but some are even lower. Within 10 years a palm tree can exceed 17 feet with it’s direct vertical growth habit, causing a civil fire hazard and property damage. As a safety precaution, we recommend avoiding planting palm trees directly under power lines altogether. Instead consider planting a distance of 10-15 ft. away from the power line.
Glenwood Weber Design is a Botanical Artist Florist & Boutique Landscape Design Firm centrally located in the historic Avondale area of Montrose in Houston, Texas. We offer innovative and unique garden design concepts and installation for residential and commercial clients. Our visionary approach to fresh floral design using lush, exquisite blooms acquired from around the world is our signature. We create something beautiful everyday. Let us create something beautiful for you. Call us at 713-360-6281
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