Glenwood Weber Design helped celebrate another jaw dropping birthday party for a previous client who’s one year old daughter had a hot air balloon themed birthday party. The client’s daughter was celebrating her 2nd birthday party and wanted a carousel themed party. We are so excited to share the details of the party and the impressive decor our client handmade for the special event. The birthday party required  several top industry professionals to create the client’s vision. Glenwood Weber Design was one of this professionals asked to do the flowers for the event, everything from the table centerpieces to the over scale numeric 2 covered in flowers. To our surprise, Kara’s Party Ideas  featured the 2 year old’s carousel-themed birthday party and all of it’s decor on their website

Below are images taken from the birthday party provided by Photography by Costas. You can also visit our Event page for more exclusive images.


This special event was centered around carousels. The party room was decorated in luxurious hues of pink, gold and ivory. Each table featured a centerpiece of a floating golden horse and a beautiful lush floral arrangement laying directly underneath. 

“Glenwood [helped bring] my vision to life… he completely blew me away when he walked in the night before the party with the [the floral] 2. It was jaw dropping.”