Weekdays are super busy at Glenwood Weber Design. Because of the hectic weekly schedule, weekends are spent cleaning and organizing around the office. While going through some back issues of OutSmart Magazine, we ran across one that featured members of the Houston GLBT community. Erin Spencer and Marjory Hawkins owners of Theme Designs and Glenwood Weber are on the cover and also featured in the magazine. The piece about Glenwood talks about how to decorate with flowers and plants as well as how to use items from your own garden to enhance your home.
In honor of Pride Week in the City of Houston, Glenwood Weber Design pulls from the archives Throwback Thursday and Flashback Friday style to repost this cover article. Here is an excerpt from the article as seen in OutSmart Magazine May 2013, “Flowers Make a House a Home”
Home Decor with Fragrant Blooms and Aromatic Plants

Orange and Purple Blooming Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant set in recycled glass vase with celadon green micro pebbles by Glenwood Weber Design
Can’t afford an interior decorator and new furniture, or don’t have the time to spruce up your home with fresh paint? Don’t worry sometimes the simplest little touches can make your place look new. Glenwood Weber of Glenwood Weber Design has some excellent ideas that won’t break your bank.
Glenwood does have a beautiful garden that he enjoys tending, and he says that if you have even the tiniest piece of dirt, you can plant flowers that can be used to decorate your home. “The easiest way to spruce up the indoors is if you have a flowering vine, passion flower, clematis, or sweet pea,” he says. “Just cut a few blooms and put one each in a shot glass. Put three glasses across a bathroom vanity or kitchen windowsill.”
Glenwood also suggests planting high-producing flowering or fragrant plants such as hydrangea, roses, gardenias. “With those blooms you can put little bunches in glass vases and make a collage of them on a table.” Weber suggests hitting IKEA for inexpensive glassware for your designs.
“A long line of small vases with cut flowers makes a great design for a dining room table,” Weber explains. “It’s elegant and stylish, inexpensive, and really the easiest thing to do.”
Perhaps even easier is the designer’s tip of just clipping a stem off a bush to use as foliage along a fireplace mantle. “You can decorate with potted plants indoors, too,” Glenwood says. “But be aware that they have a date stamp. People tell me they don’thave a green thumb because their plants die. You can get a nice indoor plant at any grocery store in town for twenty dollars, and if it lasts for a month, you’ve gotten your money’s worth.”
Of course, if you don’t have a garden or your own window boxes or herb pots, you can still buy cut flowers and greenery and display them in simple glassware, vases, or whatever’s on hand to perk up your abode.
Oh, and don’t be afraid of the orchids you see for sale. No, they won’t last forever – naturally they bloom as long as they bloom, but orchids are beautiful, and Weber says they are actually easy to care for. “Pop them into a decorative pot,” Weber says, “and just give it an ice cube once a week.”
For more helpful tips in brining more color inside your home with flowers, subscribe to Glenwood’s YouTube channel and “Like” our Glenwood Weber Design Facebook page.
Glenwood Weber Design is a Botanical Artist Florist & Boutique Landscape Design Firm centrally located in the historic Avondale area of Montrose in Houston, Texas. We offer innovative and unique garden design concepts and installation for residential and commercial clients. Our visionary approach to fresh floral design using lush, exquisite blooms acquired from around the world is our signature. We create something beautiful everyday. Let us create something beautiful for you. Call us at 713-360-6281
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