Coral Peony, Red Mokara Orchid, Peach Spray Roses and Passion Flower Floral Bouquet Composition by Glenwood Weber Design
What Spring Produces by Bud, Summer Grows to Full Bloom
Glenwood Weber Design says goodbye to summer’s most incredible floral gift. We have been advised that somewhere around the middle of July marks the last Peonies of the season from the northwest. The majestic Peony is of course, not native to Houston’s Zone-9 climate. Peonies are grown mostly in the northwestern region of the United States they are flown in from mid-Spring through July. Although Peonies can be imported as cut flowers from other parts of the world even during the winter months, nothing compares to what’s grown in the United States during spring in Zones-2 through 8.
Peonies Vibrant and Long Lasting Colors
Colors range from pure white to white with a blush cast through darker pinks, magentas, corals and burgundy. The lighter colors seem to be more long lasting with ‘Burgundy or Red Charm’ being the most fragile and short lived of all. The ‘Coral Charm’ can also have a shorter vase life as a cut flower than the whites or pinks. There are new ‘Yellow and Lavender Peonies’ on the market. We expect to see both the yellow and the lavender availability in the coming seasons.
Peonies can look great on their own as a statement in a vase. One color alone in mass has maximum impact in home decor, especially when the color choice accents or contrasts colors in the room. For example, hot pink Peonies can really pop in orange or coral decor. As shown in the pictures below, hot pink can also look dynamic against red.
What’s incredible about Peonies is how long they last as cut flowers. The secret is fresh water (changing the water daily) and cool temperatures in the room where they are displayed. The best advice Glenwood Weber Design can give is to know the source of the Peonies being purchased. A reputable supplier will have Peonies in bud form. Don’t be afraid to buy Peonies while they are completely closed. Its best to select Peonies about the size of a golf ball or slightly larger. A smaller bud can be difficult to open and often times is too tight to fully bloom. Initially place the blooms in slightly warm water to encourage the stems to drink. After the blooms pop and open its best to give them one night in refrigeration. This will set the bloom in its fully open state and provide the longest lasting Peony bloom time.
Striking colors that defy description—Peonies are not only brilliant to look at, their fragrance is quiet charming as well. The essence of a Peony’s bloom scent can be subtle and fresh like clean laundry. Each variety has its own sweet personality and aromatic perfume. Growers are actually working to bring back the natural Peony sweetness which is often lost in productivity. Like any other produce off season the blooms can be pricy. During the height of the blooming season sheer quantities drive prices down so June and July show the lowest prices of the year.

Light Pink Peony, Peach Ilse Spray Rose and Pink with Yellow Edge Tulip in a Cheerful “Thinking of You” Bouquet by Glenwood Weber Design
If the petals from a single bloom fall off —DON’T WORRY! Gather the fallen petals and place them in your bath water. Light a few candles in your bathroom and have yourself a delightful, relaxing “Peony Petal Bath” 🙂
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